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File-Ex 2.0 / Win95 revision history
v2.00f (bug-fix release) February 20th, 1997
Fixed crashing problem introduced in 2.00e (for PointCast & others)
v2.00e (bug-fix release) February 19th, 1997
Added special patch to fix old .dat files for Word/Excel 7 LFNs
Fixed some potential memory leaks
v2.00d (bug-fix release) February 17th, 1997
Fixed problems with getting filename back in some dialogs (Office 97, WP7)
Fixed file info and functions for network drives
Fixed "Find" for network directories (using "//machine/drive/path" format)
Fixed file info/functions (to a certain extent) for when file extensions
are hidden.
Fixed overlapping button problem with Ami Pro
Fixed crashing bug when a 'disabled' application dialog is trained
Fixed file name selection problems ('#' in file names) with Ami Pro
Fixed 'app accepts long filenames' default setting for Word/Excel 7
Fixed a problem with attaching to processes (caused various lockups
and other errors, including a major Lotus Notes 3.x crash)
Fixed recent/favorite lists to abbreviate names to better length
Use explorer-style dialog for Copy/Move's Browse function
Automatically open recent/favorite lists when tabbed to
Added hot keys: Alt-U for recent list, Alt-A for favorites
Added better keyboard support to recent/favorite lists (Enter key)
Changed Delete hot key to Alt-D to avoid conflict with Network
v2.00c (bug-fix release) January 25th, 1997
Fixed recent/favorite list operation for "no path" or "relative" options
Use "folders" instead of "directories" in recent/fav lists if Win95 dialog
Fixed Delayer program to work with long file names
v2.00b bug-fix release January 23rd, 1997
Fixed Add Favorites directory path problem for Win95 dialogs
Fixed problem with "#xx" file names showing up sometimes
v2.00a bug-fix release January 21st, 1997
Fixed lock-up problems when dialog closed with the "X" button
v2.00 (initial release) January 17th, 1997